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Izdelki in storitve

Products and Services

Velotype PRO keyboard

The Velotype keyboard is an orthographic chord keyboard. This means that several keys are pressed simultaneously, creating whole syllables or words at once.

Unique selling points:

  • Very light attack! Only 15 grams per test.
  • Low noise production.
  • Completely constructed from modern, state-of-the-art parts.
  • Reliable and robust.
  • Logical printing on the keys.
  • No installation of driver software: Plug & Play.Works directly on any computer.
  • Available for all Operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, Android, …)
  • Switch quickly between languages.
  • Multi-function display.
  • Integrated mouse pad.
  • Non-slip under keyboard.
Velotype Qwerty/
Prepoznavanje glasu
Natančnost +++ +++ ++ +
Najvišja hitrost delovanja ++ + +++ ++
Zvok ++ + +++ +
Čas za učenje +++ ++ + +++
Jeziki +++ +++ + ++
Ergonomija +++ + ++ +++
Price € 1500 € 25 – 200 € 5000 – 10000 € 500

Ohišje: antracit
Tipke antracit z belim tiskom

Š x D x V: 37 x 23 x 4 cm.

965 gramov

Š x D: 7 x 4 cm.
Vgrajena sledilna plošča za upravljanje z miško.

Standardni USB priključek, tip B priključek.

Napajanje / poraba energije
Napajanje iz USB-ja.
Poraba z vklopljeno osvetlitvijo zaslona: 120 mA
Sprotna poraba z izklopljeno osvetlitvijo zaslona: 20 mA

Možne nastavitve jezika menija
Nizozemščina, angleščina, nemščina, francoščina, italijanščina, španščina, švedščina

Jeziki Velotype, ki so na voljo
nizozemščina, profesionalna nizozemščina, angleščina, profesionalna angleščina, kitajščina (pinyin način), danščina, nemščina, finščina, francoščina, grščina, italijanščina, hrvaščina, norveščina, poljščina, portugalščina, ruščina, španščina, češčina, turščina, švedščina

Razpoložljive postavitve tipkovnice
ZDA-angleška, ZDA-mednarodna, Združeno kraljestvo razširjena, nizozemska, francoska, nemška, švedska, švedska + sami, norveška, grška (Polytoon), grška (Polytoon iPad), bolgarska (fonetično tradicionana), češka qwertz, britanska (Mac OS-X)

Lahko kupite tipkovnico Velotype:
Cena tipkovnice je 1500 EUR (1815 EUR z DDV, če je primerno).

Bestel formulier

    Купить клавиатуру

    The Velotype Academy is interactive learning software to learn how to use the Velotype keyboard. All keys and key combinations are learned step by step in a logical and visual way. The software analyzes the typist’s progress and provides additional support in practice where necessary.

    After learning tests and combinations, compound words are practiced in a playful way.

    And finally the sentences are discussed.

    The Velotype Academy comes free with the Velotype keyboard and can be downloaded here.
    And you can immediately train with the languages ​​installed in the keyboard.
    The software is available for Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh and Linux.



    The Velotype keyboard is of course suitable for all applications where text has to be produced. But it is especially useful if this has to be done at a high (er) speed, as error-free as possible and for a longer period of time.

    Since the time the Velotype has been on the market, it has proven to be extremely suitable for a number of important professional applications.

    Live subtitles for television

    Public Broadcasting has been subtitling live programs with Velotype since 1987.
    From 2005 to 2007 the dutch commercial channel Talpa subtitled almost 100% via the company Invision.

    Since 2008, the company has been subtitling P2P Subtitling with Velotype for SBS6, Veronica, Net 5 and TV Drenthe. And since March 2013 also for RTL4.

    Collaboration Subtitle All Programs! (SOAP!) Is committed to expanding subtitles for TV in the Netherlands.

    Written interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing on location

    A new profession has existed for a number of years: the writing interpreter. The interpreter interprets for deaf and hard of hearing people in all possible situations. In which a subdivision has been made into living environment, education and work. The reimbursement takes place via UWV and Menzis.

    The Dutch Writing Interpreters Association is committed to the interests of writing interpreters. The website of the RTG Foundation provides an overview of all registered writing interpreters in the Netherlands. Mediation for writing interpreters can also take place via Tolknet.

    The training to become a writing interpreter takes place through the AD Writing Interpreter at the Hogeschool Utrecht.

    Speech to text at international conferences

    The Velotype keyboard has been widely used at international conferences for many years. One of the organizations that uses this service is the European Disability Forum (EDF).